A while back, my musical ensemble, Satori Bob, provided music for an independent film titled Message in a Plastic Bottle. Filmmaker Ken Campbell, part of the Ikkatsu Project (https://www.ikkatsuproject.org/) created a sea kayak out of discarded plastic bottles and paddled the length of Puget Sound, contemplating the consequences of a "life lived on plastic."
Planet Verde takes the challenge of plastic pollution seriously and is implementing a far-reaching reuse program as part of the S.L.O.W Food delivery system. The market for recycled plastics is shrinking while the pervasive presence of plastics in our ecosystems is alarming and increasing. Check out these two links for details - How Plastic is Damaging Planet Earth and Marine Debris.
We need your help in creating a better world. Work with us to reduce plastic packaging and replace it with reusable shipping containers and bins. Help us make a cleaner ecosystem. Every time you order from Planet Verde you take a step toward less plastics in the world.